4 Reasons Why CA Firms Must Offer Payroll Services

CA firms in Bangalore, Hyderabad, and other metropolitan cities that are sprouting start ups are growing unprecedented. The growth of CA services in Bangalore , for example, has been multifold in the last decade. Should these accounting services in Bangalore now make the full use of offering payroll services? Here, we discuss why the top CA firms in Bangalore are considering full fledged payroll services. Opportunities Working on a client's payroll process paves the way to further cooperation, increasing the likelihood that the client will hire you for additional services like financial planning and research, consultancy, and more. This means there's a reduced chance of losing business. Additional revenue You may not be growing your firm to its full potential if you do not have payroll services. Payroll provides a recurring revenue source, allowing you to increase the amount of money you make from each client. Furthermore, Payroll consultants in Bangalore , you are excluding ...